Friday, February 6, 2009

CZ Trip – Day 4 Thur– Cseke Budejovich

We were tired this morning from two long days of shooting and did not get started as early as we would have liked. We experience some bumper to bumper traffic in the Prague morning rush-hour as we tried to get out of town going south this time to Cseke Budejovich, home of Budweiser Beer. The morning traffic delays made the trip take nearly two hours. We found a good parking place near the town square and had lunch and then started a great day of filming. Cseke Budejovich has a beautiful town square. Here are some photos.

As we were wrapping up the day we noticed a police escorted motorcade pull into the town square where were. The big black limousine had American flags on the front. So Ava and I followed by Sandra and mom walked over to say hello. It was the US Ambassador to CZ! The embassy is of course in Prague so it was quite a coincidence that he would in the same town at the same time as us.

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