Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Czech Republic Trip – Day 1 Mon.

We took a quick flight from Knoxville to Atlanta and there we caught a direct overnight flight to Prague. We were late out of Atlanta due to technical difficulties. When they disconnected the Plane from terminal power, the engines died. Not the best feeling in the world, but we were thankful it happened on the ground instead of in the air. They reconnected the plane and ran through the pre-flight check list again and this time things worked and we pushed back from the terminal and were soon in the air. We arrived in Prague at about 11:30 AM Monday, over an hour late. We had arranged a ride to pick us up and take us to our apartments, but they had given up waiting on us. There were several professional looking shuttle vans for hire so we decided to take a chance. Fortunately, most of the drivers spoke enough English and we had a map to the apartments which helped. By the time we made it to the apartments, the manager had gone to lunch and so we had to wait around on the side walk with our bags of gear. Fortunately it was a quite one-way street with little vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Eventually, the manager returned and we hauled the bags up to our apartments.

Ava flew from Washington DC to Stuttgart, Germany and took the train to Prague. She arrived just after lunch. We rented two apartments, one for mom and Ava, and one for Sandra and me. We took a quick nap then headed out for a short work to a nearby supermarket to stock up. We would later discover that we accidentally bought buttermilk for our breakfast cereal. The labels were not in English. We hung out in the apartments for a while, getting all of gear ready to go (charging batteries, labeling tapes, etc), unpacking our clothes, and just generally resting and trying to get used to the new time zone. We went over our filming plan, which was to travel to 3 to 4 different towns where mom grew up. We would attempt to hit this hard for the first 3 days. If the weather cooperated, and we completed our shot list, then we would have the remaining 3 - 4 days in Prague for site seeing. Later, that evening we went out to eat. Filming would start the next day. The video shows our apartments and the restuarant where we ate.

Prague - our first evening from Jim Walker on Vimeo.

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