Monday, February 16, 2009

CZ Trip Day 8 Mon – Clearing Customs with Camera Gear

On Monday, we actually got up early for some last minute shopping, packed our gear and clothes, said good-bye to our wonderful apartment manager and caught a shuttle van to the airport. We had no trouble with security or customs in Prague. The line was a bit long at the check-in counter, but soon enough we were checked in and through security for a quick snack prior to boarding. The plane departed on time and we arrived in Atlanta some 14 hours later. We had to clear customs and security in Atlanta. The only problem we encountered was that for the first time, security asked us to unpack one of the camera bags, but not both. The long flights and standing in a long line made us all a bit grumpy so we were not thrilled to unpack the bag with big camera. But we managed to get through and find our plane for the flight back to Knoxville. Virginia and her son were there to pick us up in their van and take us home.

This wraps up my series of posts on our trip to the Czech Republic. I hope you have enjoyed the journey. If you ever get a chance to visit the Czech Republic, I highly recommend it.

I hope you'll continue checking here on this page in the future. I'll continue posting photos and videos of some of my recent adventures including a couple of trips to Great Smoky Mountain National Park and Washington DC. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have enjoyed the Walker journey through the Czech Republic!
